“Making the decimal system accessible to children by means of a material is something that is feasible in practice and of such evident simplicity that the decimal system can be converted into a little game suitable for a child. Naturally what the child is offered is certainly not a toy but an exact material for study, capable of helping him to overcome all the difficulties that are encountered by children in the regular school.”
Maria Montessori, Psychoarithmetic


The Lessons

We work with the full spectrum of Maria Montessori’s materials and educational structure.

We start every school year with Maria Montessori’s Great Lessons which deal with different age-appropriate scientific and cultural issues.
We add panoramic overviews from various scientific fields that are displayed through Maria Montessori’s timelines and materials. All further steps lead the children deeper into an exploration of details and into independent work.

This phase requires more time, because the children need to be able to explore a subject and to examine it from different angles. During this phase, the guidance of the educators is needed when the content requires it.


Once a project or a Big Work is finished, the child presents his process and his findings to the other children. At this point we show the children various possibilities of presentation and help them implement their ideas.


As the children grow, Going-Outs become more in-depth and interesting. They provide many opportunities that the children can deepen their knowledge while visiting an expert in the field. The children are required to organize these special tours independently. This encourages them to make contact with different institutions and provides valuable real-world experience.

Our Neighborhood

Our school is an integral part of the community in Mauer. It is important to us, that the children actively take part in their local community and are able to make a contribution. Conversely, we would also like to invite people from our neighborhood to participate in our school.

HEUREKA! Montessorischule Mauer, Valentingasse 20, A-1230 Wien - heureka@montessorischule.wien - Tel. +43-681 206 33009 | Impress

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